'We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us'
- Joseph Campbell
Residencies are periods of time, to be and work in another environment where you can reflect uninterrupted by your usual routine.
Women come to write, research and take time out to develop ideas on their projects and their lives. There is no pressure to produce anything, sometimes just having the space to be, is a healing and creative process which we all need.
'Loneliness is the poverty of self, solitude is the richness of self' - May Sarton
Solitude and silence are precious gifts for any creative project. Without solitude, we cannot find our inner voice. If you need an extended stay, The Loft Room is a quiet place to write and create, with views overlooking the peaceful garden.
Whether you want to stay for a weekend or 2 weeks, you'll have your own bathroom, a workspace, and the use of our shared kitchen. Please note, catering if not included.
Complete the form to apply for a stay with us on a residency basis.
Giving you the opportunity to reflect on and develop your work >
Helping you to just start writing
If you want to start a novel, poem or journal, the key is to just start writing! In addition to a quiet place, we're also able to offer residency visitors personal support if required, either in the form of supervision, one-to-one sessions, work feedback, or regular check-ins to see how your work is progressing.
If you need additional support during your stay with us, please ask us about this during your enquiry.